Tuesday, September 2, 2008


there are so many aspects of my life that are evolving. so much to think about. think think think. that seems to be the main thing i do now, which is saying alot cos i used to be a bimbo!

oh dear, where do i start?

work: even though i dont love it, i dont hate it. it's just really alot of things to do. tedious, tiring, both physically and mentally. always have to be on my toes. before i barely finish my project, more come in. but i like it that i'm busy, i like time passing really fast. i'm getting used to the stress. but still not sure what i wanna do. the gal that i get along most well with is leaving, which is kinda sucky. everyone in my office is married with kids, so there's alot of talk about married life and babies. well, considering where i'm working, it's not that surprising. gaining lots of perspective.

home: the old fogeys are at it everyday. fighting bout stupid things. now that the father has decided to retire (again), i predict home is no longer a place for me to relax. then again, i'm guessing it'll be less than 6 months before he works again. the two just cant face each other for too long a time. looking at them makes me think really really hard about marriage. what so good about it. but it also makes me more sure of things. what not to do. who not to want.

the boy: things are good. nice and calm. no fireworks means no risk of catching fire i guess. understanding, patient. love it. he makes me peaceful, makes me a nicer person to be around. i like myself alot more now than before. and i realise that i like him alot more now than before too. guess i'm finally looking at him the way i should.

oh oh oh! did i mention that i finally got my belly pierced??? la la la. it hurt like fuck but it's done and it's so pretty!!! not that i'd show anyone cos my belly's damn hairy (wonder why mel thinks that's funny).

having the past catch up with you is scary but liberating business. the shock and hurt doesnt compare to the realization and contentment it brings. i guess it was good seeing you again, even if we walk on by like strangers and pretend we dont exist..

..and thank you, my partner-in-crime.

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