Monday, May 19, 2008

i think i'm feeling tired and grouchy.

the weather is a super conducive environment for PMS, in a way that it actually encourages PMS. apparantly we start PMS-ing 2 wks before D-day and for that 1 wk we are uncomfortable. so technically, women are peaceloving creatures for like a third of their lives. hmm.

we have alot on our minds, i know i do. and i forget things, i guess i just dont expect you to... not things that you tell me anyway.

i once said that there are no good or bad lovers, just good or bad actors.

for both our sakes, please be a good one.

actually, i'm surprised that this is all i'm feeling, just disgruntled, not depressed or super pissed. i hope this is a sign of growing up, but as HH said, we're not growing up, just getting jaded.

i wonder if this is good.. me not feeling more. just finished a book and i found a theory very similar to my own. apparantly you segment your heart into different pieces so when one segment lets you down, you have other segments to keep you going.

i guess i'm just a little disappointed.

i'm looking forward to the big meeting..
life is just so damn exciting isnt it?

i hate sorrys and sweet nothings and pathetic people.

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